John Carlos, world-famous for his defiant, iconic black power salute at the Olympic games of '68, talks exclusively to Ceasefire's Samayya Afzal on human rights, racism and global change.
In a climate of social upheaval, with millions rising against consumerism, individualism, and apathy, how is it, Malte Ringer asks, that ecclesiastical hierarchies haven't rushed to embrace the Occupy and anti-austerity movements?
Writing from Occupy LSX, Ian Chamberlain argues the real power of the movement is the new world of possibilities it has created, built on consensus, cooperation and a rejection of the corporate-guided, party-political approach that has dominated the country for generations.
In an exclusive video report, Riz Ahmed, award-winning Hip Hop artist and actor shares his experience of spending yesterday at the Occupy Wall St protests. "It was amazingly diverse, emotional, and in some ways very organised, despite being anarchic."
The Occupy movement against corporate greed and government cutbacks has galvanised cities around the world. Since Saturday, thousands have gathered outside London's St Paul's cathedral to demand radical change and a fairer future. In an impassioned report, with exclusive footage and photos, Ceasefire's Akkas Al-Ali and Tom Kavanagh report.