Interviews, New in Ceasefire - Tuesday, April 23, 2013 21:06 - 17 Comments
Interview">Daniel Trilling: On race, class and ‘Bloody Nasty People’ Interview

In a Ceasefire special on St. George's Day, Symeon Brown interviews Daniel Trilling, New Statesman Associate Editor about his latest book, Bloody Nasty People, and the wider debate over the far right, class and British identity.
New in Ceasefire - Wednesday, September 21, 2011 13:00 - 2 Comments
Analysis ‘Waking sleeping lions’: Fascism and the English Defence League

Columns, Diary of a Domestic Extremist - Thursday, August 19, 2010 11:38 - 10 Comments
Diary of a Domestic Extremist – The EDL: Street fighting for the establishment