A few days ago, Dr Satoshi Kanazawa, of the London School of Economics announced, to the consternation and shock of many, that women of African descent are less attractive than women from other ethnic groups. Ceasefire associate editor Adam Elliott-Cooper interviewed two Black Feminist activists to discuss the Kanazawa furore and develop an understanding of our racialised perceptions of beauty.
In this week's 'In Theory' column, political theorist Andrew Robinson looks at the concept of local and indigenous knowledge. As Robinson argues, the West, in all its modern technological glory, might not be as 'knowledgeable' as it think it is.
Do you have a worldview? does it have a name? Is it socialism? Anarchism? Conservatism? Well, as Omer Ali argues, in a new 'Devil's Advocate' column, it's not that some ideologies are better than others, but that ideology itself, by definition, is a form of unreason.
Ceasefire is very pleased to be hosting the legendary Michael Albert’s 2-day visit to Nottingham. Albert is a writer, activist, author of ‘parecon: life after capitalism’ and co-founder of ZNET, one of the world's greatest alternative media organisations.
In yesterday's 'Domestic Extremist' column, Mikhail goldman launched a vigorous attack on the increasingly ubiquitous dominance of the Tesco "empire". In this week's Devil's Advocate column, Omer Ali offers a thoughtful and solid attempt at counter-argument. For all their charmlessness, he argues, Supermarkets are in fact better for (almost) everyone, including the environment.