In the latest installment of his series on the forgotten victims of European colonialism, Ceasefire's Xain Storey examines the genocide of Canada's Aboriginals.
Heralded as a critical and popular success, the BBC TV series 'The Honourable Woman' has been particularly praised for its authentic and sensitive portrayal of the moral complexities of life in the occupied Palestinian territories. However, such recognition is largely misplaced, warns Tony McKenna.
When the Barbican cancelled its 'Exhibit B' show two weeks ago, after a campaign by anti-racism campaigners, many within the liberal media cried censorship. Yet there was virtual silence when a Grime showcase event was cancelled at the same venue earlier this year. Such markedly different reactions highlight the power relations underpinning our cultural institutions, argues joel sharples.
In recent years, Kenya has seen an alarming rise in teenage pregnancies, forcing thousands of girls to abandon their education early and spurring a national debate over the causes and repercussions of the issue. Susan Yara reports from Mombasa.
Recent coverage of the Rotherham child exploitation case has focused on the race, religion and ethnic background of the perpetrators. This fits neatly into a right-wing discourse around the supposed tyranny of political correctness and distracts from the prominent role of white, establishment figures in sexually exploiting children.