For over forty years, the internationally renowned German artist Anselm Kiefer’s works have consistently revisited his country’s relationship with its past. Ceasefire's Joe Lloyd reviews the White Cube's 'Il Mistero delle Cattedrali', the largest presentation of Kiefer's work ever made in London.
Last weekend’s Fabian new year conference, entitled ‘The Economic Alternative,’ was an early chance to see what kind of opposition the Labour party would offer to the relentless coalition narrative of cuts and austerity in 2012. Ceasefire's Andrew Fleming reports.
Are states dealing with refugees any better today than fifty years ago? How does state power interact with the rule of law and the movement of people in the international system of states? Musab Younis talks to Professor Guy S. Goodwin-Gill, an international authority on refugee law, Senior Research Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford, and barrister for Blackstone Chambers in London.