Ceasefire presents 'The Zoo', an exclusive short story by acclaimed writer Ben White. After a traumatic onslaught of unremitting violence, a community's children, adults and animals are thrust into a vortex of incomprehension and bewilderment.
In a new exclusive short story by Dave Prescott, a street musician is faced with an unusual audience and finds himself at the centre of a surreal, and unnerving, series of events. A short tale, comic yet sombre, about what happens when intensities come into contact with each other.
Ben White Abu Samer scratched his belly and ignored the coffee on the table. He was watching the news. The volume was loud and the reporter urgently insistent, but his mind wandered. Every few minutes his wife Imm Samer would crash together some pans in the kitchen, and Abu Samer would stir, shift his weight […]