. [SPECIAL EDITION] Week 65 - How Many More? | Ceasefire Magazine

[SPECIAL EDITION] Week 65 – How Many More?

By Jody Mcintyre Saturday 5th June 2010, outside the Israeli Embassy at a demonstration of 20,000 people, London: “Five months ago, I was sitting on the beach in Gaza, watching the waves of the Mediterranean lapping onto the shore. If I was to return to Gaza today, the sea would be tinged red, with the blood […]

Jody Mcintyre's Life on Wheels - Posted on Sunday, June 6, 2010 12:00 - 0 Comments


By Jody Mcintyre

Saturday 5th June 2010, outside the Israeli Embassy at a demonstration of 20,000 people, London:

“Five months ago, I was sitting on the beach in Gaza, watching the waves of the Mediterranean lapping onto the shore. If I was to return to Gaza today, the sea would be tinged red, with the blood of the innocent civilians murdered…

On Monday May 31st, at 1.30am, I was sitting on the front steps of a friend’s house in south London, when a man walked past asking for a cigarette. His name was Glen, and he lived in a home for people with mental disabilities just a few doors down. But not even a schizophrenic, would be able to think of an excuse for the crimes that Israel has committed in this week. Not even a lunatic would dare to justify the slaughter of humanitarian workers, as they deliver aid to a besieged population.

This is the greatest tragedy Israel has ever seen. This is the final nail in the coffin. But it seems that the Israeli government are keen to prolong their farewell, so now, we must double, we must triple our efforts. And I ask Mr. Netanyahu, I ask Mr. Obama, I ask, our Prime Minister, Mr. David Cameron… how many more? How many more must spill their blood? How many more must sacrifice their lives? But one thing is for certain… for every one that falls, a hundred will rise in their place, a thousand more will raise their voices in condemnation, and a million more will dedicate their lives to the struggle for freedom for Palestine!

[The complete ‘Life on wheels’ archive is available at http://jodymcintyre.wordpress.com]

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