Features, Interviews, Profiles - Tuesday, September 1, 2009 10:09 - 0 Comments
Interview Noam Chomsky (2008)

Noam Chomsky discusses Israel and Palestine, anarcho-syndicalism, China and India, the anti-war movement, and public intellectuals with Ceasefire editor Hicham Yezza. Chomsky, notes Yezza, has the unique "ability to bring out the mind of his listener out of its atrophied comfort."
Interviews, Profiles - Friday, January 9, 2009 4:35 - 1 Comment
Interview Gavin Hayes – Can Labour be saved?
It is now a common assumption that Labour is in a state of collapse. Yet there are those, like as the influential pressure group Compass, who think it can be saved. Gavin Hayes, its General Secretary, spoke to Musab Younis about the super rich, Thatcher and revolution.Interviews, Profiles - Friday, January 9, 2009 4:30 - 1 Comment
Interview Michael Albert – On the death of capitalism
Musab Younis Michael Albert is a renowned activist, speaker and writer who was elected President of the MIT student body during the 1960s, and expelled for his vocal and direct anti-war activism. He is the co-founder of ZNet, an independent media centre which incorporates the successful, ad-free magazine ZMag. Albert is perhaps best-known for his […]Interviews, Profiles - Friday, January 9, 2009 4:27 - 1 Comment
Interview Norman Finkelstein – ‘The left is not a political force in American life’