Jody Mcintyre's Life on Wheels - Thursday, March 4, 2010 12:00 - 0 Comments
Week 58 – Leaving Through Rafah, Part I
By Jody Mcintyre The story starts early on Monday afternoon, standing on the Palestinian side of the Gaza-Egypt border at Rafah, after a two-hour servise ride from Gaza City, bag fully packed and in hand, ready to say goodbye [for now] after eight long months in Palestine. The Egyptian government had only agreed to open […]
Blogs, Ceasefire Bites, Politics - Wednesday, March 3, 2010 4:33 - 1 Comment
Shenanigans at Prospect Magazine…
This month’s Prospect Magazine contains a curious diary item (subscription only) entiteld “Shenanigans at the Islam Channel” (the title on the print edition is the rather less definitive “What’s going on at the Islam Channel?”). The piece enumerates what it considers “controversial” happenings at the station. On closer inspection (on cursory inspection too, for that […]Blogs, Ceasefire Bites, Politics - Wednesday, March 3, 2010 2:14 - 2 Comments
What the Dubai assassins did next…
So, you and a dozen “teamates” have just accomplished the olympian task of killing a lone man in his Dubai hotel room with a pillow and have escaped the country just in time to avoid capture. Where would you go next? more crucially, which country would you try to enter knowing your passports were on […]Blogs, Ceasefire Bites, Politics - Tuesday, March 2, 2010 5:12 - 0 Comments
Media Punditry: where dishonesty lies…
An excellent investigative piece in the US magazine the Nation reports on the endemic phenomenon of TV pundits roaming the News Shows circuit disguised as neutral analysts when in fact many are out-and-out corporate lobbyists. The examples are compelling: people on the payroll of AIG praise its proposed bailout and defend its practices without their […]Jody Mcintyre's Life on Wheels - Friday, February 19, 2010 12:00 - 0 Comments
Week 57 – Imprisoned

Politics - Tuesday, February 16, 2010 10:30 - 0 Comments
How to protect civlians – The Nato Way
This morning, the BBC reports on the progress of the Nato offensive against the Taliban insurgents. One never stops being surprised at the straight-faced reporting of civilian deaths as mere “accidents”. If you got “accidentally” mugged every time you left your home for an entire month, you would start looking into the “accidental” nature of the phenomenon, just […]Blogs, Ceasefire Bites, Politics - Monday, February 15, 2010 9:59 - 0 Comments
Targeting Iran (an inch closer)
This morning, the US Secretary of State and hawk-in-residence Hilary Clinton has taken another step in the rhetorical circling around Iran, the argument now is: Iran has turned into a military dictatorship in all but name; the Revolutionary Guards are the de facto power brokers regardless of who’s in charge politically. All of which, for those of […]Blogs, Ceasefire Bites, Politics - Friday, February 12, 2010 11:20 - 1 Comment
Fukuyama does it (wrong) again
Francis Fukuyama, him of “End of History” fame/infamy has a new essay published in, of all places, this week’s Spectator magazine. After suffering from two decades of sneering at/mocking of his grandiose early 90s predictions, Fukuyama jumps into the midst of it all with a new “paradigm”: democracy is not just about passion and ideas […]Arts & Culture, Books, Features - Friday, February 12, 2010 5:59 - 0 Comments
Book Review: “The Cleanest Race” by B.R. Myers