In the second of his series on Roland Barthes, political theorist Andrew Robinson presents the French author's theory of myths.
Two days ago, the appeal trials of dozens of pro-democracy Bahraini doctors, nurses and MPs were concluded, their punishments ranging from 15-year prison sentences to death. Janet Salmon reports on the shameful repression of legitimate dissent in the country, and what needs to be done.
Ceasefire's Jonathan Jacobs reviews Michelle Alexander's "The New Jim Crow', a best-selling landmark study of the de-facto racism of the US penal system, and points to striking parallels with the UK's response to the recent riots.
Hackney is an area I’ve always been interested in, East London has become a hub for new ways of presenting opera with Go Opera’s production of Verdi’s La Traviata in a warehouse and then Vignette Production’s updated La Boheme, in the Village Underground- a regular rave venue. Last night I took my first trip of […]