January, 2009
Interviews, Profiles - Friday, January 9, 2009 4:30 - 1 Comment
Interview Michael Albert – On the death of capitalism
Musab Younis Michael Albert is a renowned activist, speaker and writer who was elected President of the MIT student body during the 1960s, and expelled for his vocal and direct anti-war activism. He is the co-founder of ZNet, an independent media centre which incorporates the successful, ad-free magazine ZMag. Albert is perhaps best-known for his […]
Interviews, Profiles - Friday, January 9, 2009 4:27 - 1 Comment
Interview Norman Finkelstein – ‘The left is not a political force in American life’

Ideas - Friday, January 9, 2009 4:22 - 1 Comment
Should we regulate political research?
Dealing with political research material can get you into a lot of trouble these days. How can access properly be regulated? Murray Goulden has an ingenious solution.Features - Friday, January 9, 2009 4:18 - 2 Comments
The struggle for academic freedom
The recent arrest of two university members over political research fits into a broader picture - the relentless corporatisation of our universities, and the disastrous results that follow. University of Nottingham alumnus and academic Jeremy Bates looks at the struggle between marketisation, and resistance.Politics - Friday, January 9, 2009 4:11 - 1 Comment
Terror arrests on campus – what happened?